  • March 19, 2019

Santa Barbara City Council Considers Contracts to Engage in Fake Negotiations with Unions for Project Labor Agreement

At its meeting on March 19, 2019, the Santa Barbara City Council will vote on negotiating a Project Labor Agreement with unions that construction companies will have to sign as a condition of winning certain city contracts. The proposal authorizes $98,835 to hire "consultants" for this process. One of these consultants is closely connected to union interests and has recently won several contracts to "negotiate" Project Labor Agreements for other local governments.

See the agenda item Project Labor Agreement Update. Here's the staff recommendation:

1. Receive an update on the implementation of the City of Santa Barbara’s Project Labor Agreement Ordinance.

2. Authorize the City Attorney to execute a contract with Vlaming and Associates in the not to exceed amount of $45,000 for legal counsel services to assist the City with development of a master Project Labor Agreement.

3. Authorize the Public Works Director to execute a contract with Water Systems Consulting, Inc., in the not to exceed amount of $48,835 for technical support services to assist the City with development of a Project Labor Agreement.

4. Approve an increase in appropriations and estimates revenues in the Public Works Department by $98,835 to cover the cost of the consultant, funded from additional anticipated savings in expenditures from salary savings which are budgeted as a revenue in the General Fund budget.

On a 4-3 vote at its December 4, 2018 meeting, the Santa Barbara City Council added into its municipal code a Project Labor Agreement mandate in construction contracts of $5 million or more, as well as a provision authorizing the city council to approve Project Labor Agreements for other projects via a resolution.


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